Your booking

Feeling Good in Viiking Spa Hotel

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Booking details

Booking cancellation terms may vary depending on the hotel. Please click on the "Terms and Conditions" link below to see specific terms of the hotel you are currently purchasing services from. To proceed to the purchase you must agree to these terms.

Viiking Spa Hotel

Sadama 15, 80012 Pärnu, Eesti
0 rooms, 1 adults, 0 children Arrival Departure
Total sum 0 ( nights, all guests)

Price conditions

  • Balcony (C, D and 4th floor of A buildings) and air conditioning (during the summer season) in superior rooms
  • Standard rooms are in buildings A and B
  • We reserve right to change the prices shown at any time
  • More information about the procedures from the treatment reception
  • All packages include a medical worker’s appointment
  • Booking we will guarantee until 19:00 on the arrival date. Please inform us in advance if You arrive later
  • You can cancel your reservation without fees at least 48 hours before coming.

Paid parking on the hotel grounds  and on the streets surrounding the hotel. More information here.

Additionally, you can choose to buy more variety of meals.

Please reserve relaxation procedures in your package in advance +372 449 0510 or

This is an accommodation package complying with the package travel directive (EU) 2015/2302, please get acquainted with the package travel conditions.