Trim & Slim with an infrared blanket (75 min) in V Spa

A slimming chocolate-peppermint body treatment which uses infrared technology. The treatment includes a full body exfoliation with a peppermint-chocolate exfoliator, a sea mineral body mask and an anti-cellulite lotion. Extra flare is added with an infrared blanket, which helps to reduce cellulite and also increases the effectiveness of the body mask. The treatment fights against cellulite and leaves you feeling refreshed and light.

The temperature range of the infrared blanket is 40–50 degrees (by Celsius). Indications: cellulite, muscle tension, loose skin, sleeping problems, swelling. Contra-indications: skin diseases, burns, spinal diseases, viral diseases with fever, pacemaker, fractures, diabetes, tumours, recent surgical procedures, osteoporosis, hypertension, pregnancy, breast-feeding, anhidrosis, implants (including metal joints).