Your booking

Health from pure nature 2 nights

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Booking details

Booking cancellation terms may vary depending on the hotel. Please click on the "Terms and Conditions" link below to see specific terms of the hotel you are currently purchasing services from. To proceed to the purchase you must agree to these terms.

Kubija hotel and nature spa

Võru, Lõuna-Eesti, Männiku 43 A
0 rooms, 1 adults, 0 children Arrival Departure
Total sum 0 ( nights, all guests)

Cancelling the order and refund:
Prepayment is required for all products and services.
You need a bank card for making a reservation. You can cancel your booking up to 3 days (72 hours) upon arrival. In case of cancellation please send an e-mail to In case of prepayment returning to the client, hotel holds 10% of reservation cost.
In case of non-arrival or later cancellation, the hotel reserves right to charge 100% of the first night as a No-Show fee. If hotel has any costs made specially for your reservation, you have to compensate them.